Route 66 National Historic Trail Strives for Passage in 2024
Road Ahead Works to Plan for the Route 66 Centennial in 2026
2025 Annual Board of Directors Meeting to Focus on Strategic Planning Review
Route 66 Extraordinary Women 2024 Micro-Grant Program Completed – New Round Slated for 2025
Revitalize Route 66
Partner with us to restore and sustain this national icon and international destination for the benefit of all Route 66 communities, travelers, businesses and attractions, by collaborating in partnerships focused on promotion, preservation, research/education, and economic development.
Preserve Route 66
Partner with us to maintain and preserve the authentic roadway design, original buildings, landscapes, traditions, and experiences that together create the idiosyncratic experience that is the essence of Route 66.
Promote Route 66
Partner with us to increase the number of visitors traveling Route 66, with the aim of increasing their length of stay and the economic impact they have on Route 66.
Help Route 66 Prosper
Partner with us to increase the prosperity of the people who live along, and are connected to, Route 66 by sustaining existing businesses and attractions, and helping new ones develop.
Conduct Research and Educate about Route 66
Partner with us to ensure the history and stories associated with Route 66 are accurate and accessible to the public, to researchers, and to educational institutions in order to enhance and encourage greater understanding of the Mother Road.
Achieve National, Tribal & International Collaboration
Partner with us to increase communication, participation, and problem solving among and between all Route 66 stakeholders for the benefit of the entire road.